Ed’s debut feature film as writer and director titled The Man With Four Legs (2017) won best feature film at the Thin Line Film Festival. With a background in cinematography, Ed has also shot several indie features as a cinematographer including Pictures Of Lily (2016) as well as numerous short films, and regularly directs and shoots films for a number of London’s leading agencies.
Press about Ed’s debut feature film The Man With Four Legs: “Elegantly disturbing...A genre-busting whirlwind of beautiful and insidious artistry...It has elements of A Clockwork Orange, mixed with the beautiful visuals and melodic mystique of 2005’s Pride and Prejudice.” (Film Enquiry) “A great surprise and a film that makes one think.” (UK Film Review) “In touch with every sense you could ever imagine encountering...I have honestly never experienced a film such as this one.” (Discover Denton)
Ed Christmas
+44 (0) 7879 856813